"Bare is the back of the brotherless man."


Welcome! (Part II: Electric Boogaloo)

Hello everyone, and welcome to our new and improved website!

For the past month, our resident webmaster, Fourjays, has been hard at work to give our website a well-deserved touch-up. As you can see, much has changed, and we in the administration team hope that you are as pleased as we are with the results!

Naturally, the new website comes with more than a few changes, and we understand that you may have questions about them. For starters, we've answered a few of the bigger ones for you:

[Modset Update] Marksmen Update

Although it took much longer than we had anticipated, the Marksmen update is finally ready for implementation!

The Marksmen DLC Update (6.83 GB) will be activated on the server on Monday, May 11th, 2015 (note that the date has been corrected) after the day's operations. If you have not installed the updates by this date you will not be able to join the server.

Marksmen DLC and Server Security

Hey everyone!

Marksmen DLC

As I'm sure everyone is aware by now, the Marksmen DLC is out! I won't go into detail about all of the features that have been added to the game, but suffice to say that it brings a fair amount to the table.
