"Bare is the back of the brotherless man."


Password Changed for Servers

Following the events of 25th January 2016 we have gone ahead and changed the password for the Arma 3, Teamspeak and repository servers. The new password can be found in the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page when logged into the website.

Please remember that the password is not to be shared with those outside of the organisation. If you are asked for the password and have any doubts as to whether an individual is a current member of Black Watch, please refer them to the website or a senior member.

ALiVE and ASR Modpack Update

After considerable testing by the tech team, the much anticipated AI modpack update has arrived. As well as the introduction of ALiVE and ASR AI, this update also includes the deployable medical tent, new loadouts in the BWI Armory and changes to the platoon structure. The updated modpack has been pushed to the live repository and is now available for members to download. The new templates for mission makers are already available on the server. Note that additional steps are required to complete the update, so please read on for instructions.

Changes to the Squad XML URL

As some of our members are aware the Squad XML, which enables a number of minor in-game features such as the logo armpatch, stopped functioning just before Christmas. After considerable testing we discovered that Arma has a limit on the size of the file, and it gets ignored once it is larger than 8KB. In order to work around this limitation, we have split the Squad XML into chunks based on the first character of a member's username. Read on for instructions.
