Modpack, Addons Update 11JUL2017
We have just deployed a small update (~400MB) to the mod repository that includes the latest version of CBA - it is important that all members read below as this update will reset keybinds! The F-16, F-15, F-14 and A-10 jets have all been updated as well, with the F-14 now available for flight operations on the USS Freedom aircraft carrier. Members who use JSRS will find an additional update (~700MB) available on the optional repository. Read below for details on the CBA keybind reset.
The latest CBA has changed the way keybinds for mods are stored in your profile. This is partially so that previously unbindable inputs (such as mouse buttons) can now be bound directly in the options. However, this does mean that all keybinds for mods will be reset to their default values. Base game keybinds are not affected.
Once you have downloaded the update, start the game and go into a running game mode (join the server or place a unit in the editor and hit play). Press ESC, go to Options then Controls and click Configure Addons. Now rebind your keys for each mod/category as required. We expect most members will need to rebind their ACRE keys again.
There is a known bug that may affect users who have previously used the "Overwatch" mod. If you have previously used this mod on the same profile that you use for Black Watch operation, then you may find that ACE Self-Interaction menu can not be opened. If this occurs, you will need to remove that mod and create a new profile.
Full changelogs can be found below: